New Design of Low-Head Hydro Turbine for Small-Scale Hydropower PlantVolume 2, Issue 3 Published online: 18 June 2016
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AbstractIn this research, the method for calculating vortex flow in a hydro turbine applying theory of turbulent jets, which enables the assessment and analysis of the flow parameters, has been developed. It is theoretical and experimental research that has allowed creating a new hydro turbine design and drawing up the innovation patent application. It has been established that the use of the vortex effect in a hydraulic unit extends the design option and increases the reliability of its operation. This can be achieved when a turbine is made of a cylindrical tube with plates inside it to streamline. Furthermore, the proposed turbine will reform the evaluation and working of the turbine; since the blades have become shorter, it is possible to reduce the length of the turbine that reduces its cost and total weight. Reference
To Cite this articleY. A. Anuarkyzy and M. B. Koshumbaev, “New design of low-head hydro turbine for small-scale hydropower plant,” International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 87-94, 2016. |