Business and IT Alignment in Higher Education Sector
Published online:22 February 2017
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This paper aims to provide an overview of business and IT alignment as a serious and challenging issue facing business and IT managers in many public and private organizations today. It also discusses the importance of addressing this challenging issue in the higher education sector, which has received the lowest attention in business and IT alignment
research compared with other public and private sectors. A critical review of the literature, an in-depth analysis of IT in business, its challenges, and prospects is carried out in this study. Studies show that, although it has been studied for almost five decades, the complexity of this issue seems to be steadily increasing along with the rapid changes in the business and IT environments. Since business and IT, alignment has been and continues to be a major challenge for researchers and practitioners thus, suggestions for possible future business and IT alignment research in the higher education sector are offered.
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To Cite this article
H. Alghamdi and L. Sun “Business and IT alignment in higher education sector,” International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 01-08, 2017