Review of Wing-Morphing TechnologyVolume 6, Issue 2 Published online: 29 August 2020
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AbstractThis study aims to review wind morphing technology. Wing morphing is a newly emerging field of research in aeronautical engineering, which generally deals with supplanting the traditional wing flight dynamics and making it more efficient. This paper highlights the major advances in the field of research such that an overview of the methodology and findings of the researchers is provided. This is achieved by categorizing wing morphing and defining each of its types and then providing examples from past research. It is a qualitative study, and data were gathered from journal articles, conference papers, reports, and books. This study analyzed various types of wing morphing techniques prevalent now. Three major types of wing morphing technologies, including Planform, Out of-Plane, and Airfoil morphing, along with their subtypes, have been discussed. This study is relevant in current times as morphing has developed significantly in recent years. It is a concise and comprehensive overview of the types of structural wing morphing for fixed wings. It hence is useful as a beginner’s read into the vast world of futuristic-aerodynamic research. Reference
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