Simulating Mechanical Engineer Equations Using C++ Programming Language
Volume 5, Issue 5 Ali Q. Saeed, Muhammad T. Sultan, Khaled N. Yasen
Published online:26 October 2019
Article Views: 38
This research aims to investigate the complexity of working on nested multi-variable equations of solar radiation used by mechanical engineers and how the programming languages (Matlab, C++, and even Excel spread-sheet) could facilitate their work. Mechanical engineers used several languages in executing their equations; however, varieties exist despite coding similarities. The paper first reviews all the previous studies, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the recent works, then compares it with the proposed framework built using C++ programming language platform with the intent to facilitate any sophisticated calculations needed to generate the required result. The study concluded that mechanical engineers are highly recommended to learn at least the basics of computer programming by adding such courses to their syllabus to make them able to think logically and polish their problems solving skills.
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To Cite this article
A. Q. Saeed, M. T. Sultan, and K. N. Yasen ” Simulating mechanical engineer equations using C++ programming language “, International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies, vol. 5, no. 5, pp.163–168, 2019