Determining the Future Demand: Studies for Air Traffic ForecastingVolume 2, Issue 3 Published online: 18 June 2016
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AbstractThis paper aims to study air traffic models and find an approach for forecasting Singapore’s air traffic growth. This study is to identify the actual traffic data and find the top city pair with Singapore FIR. This paper applies the forecasting methodologies to predict the air traffic growth and checks the growth within the region by using simulations and modeling. Specifically, time series analysis was applied in this study. This research uses the Singapore 1998 to 2015 numbers of flights and 2015 June flight plan data for simulations and modeling. Results estimate that WSSS-WMKK will have 286 aircraft movements per day, WSSS-WIII will have 264 aircraft movements per day and WSSS-VHHH will have 152 aircraft movements per day in 2030. Air traffic forecast models would be useful in predicting the growth of air traffic to facilitate the development of technology, operations, and infrastructure for the aviation industry. Reference
To Cite this articleS. M. Phyoe, Y. X. Lee and Z. W. Zhong “Determining the future demand: Studies for air traffic forecasting,” International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 83-86, 2016. |