Employee performance and the Balanced Scorecard: A study in Qatar Sports Club
Volume 9, Issue 2 Ibrahim Alnajjar, Abubakr Suliman
Published online:08 December 2023
This study is an applied research aiming at examining the work performance and the balance scorecard in sport clubs based in the State of Qatar. The paper attempts to examine these two constructs as global variables as well as multifaceted constructs. The primary data of the study was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The study co-opted 300 respondents, representing all levels of management randomly selected from the sixteen Qatari National sports clubs. In line with some previous studies, the current study has validated the idea that BSC is a concept that has relevance in all kinds of industries and must be customized to be used in the sports industry. The study results further uncover that work performance at both global and factor levels play significant role in predicting the Balanced Scorecard. This paper is the first of its kind in the State of Qatar and the region to investigate the applicability of the BSC in the sports sector and the role that the work performance plays in shaping it. The paper adds to the current knowledge in its field in general, especially in the sport sector. The implications of the findings for both the researchers and practitioners are also discussed in the paper.
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To Cite this article
Alnajjar, I. & Suliman, A. (2023). Employee performance and the Balanced Scorecard: A study in Qatar Sports Club. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 9(2), 18-31. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.20469/ijhss.9.20003-2