Private Sector SMEs in Realizing SDG 1- “No Poverty” in the Context of Bangladesh
Volume 6, Issue 6 AKM Asaduzzaman Patwary
Published online: 23 December 2020
Since the Private sector is emerging in Bangladesh, emergence has some crucial impacts. The SMEs-led private sector can effectively play inevitable roles in poverty eradication in many forms. To justify the meaningful relation, this study highlights the relation between SME improvement and extreme poverty reduction and analyzes how private sector SME expansion can help zero poverty achievement. This is descriptive research by type and positive research philosophy by nature. This research work used qualitative and quantitative approaches. Information and data sourced are mainly from published and unpublished local and international secondary sources of journals, magazines, newspapers, and institutional reports of SME contribution and publications on SDG, poverty and SME development, and allied avenues. These data were analyzed using inferential statistics through SPSS software. Study findings show that SMEs have grown scattered across the country without clear objectives as they were scarcely directed to grow in clustered manner. In addition, SMEs could be a catalyst in poverty alleviation if SME development is aligned with hugely economic growth trend, poverty alleviation. This study finding is expected to frame long-term policies of the Government, including appropriate fiscal budget in the national budget. These will also help to design a national poverty alleviation strategy aligning SME sector development, 5-year development plan, and perspective plan for the national socio-economic development.
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To Cite this article
Patwary, A. A. (2020). Private sector SME in realizing SDG 1- “No Poverty” in the context of Bangladesh. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 6(6), 274-288. doi:10.20469/ijhss.6.20005-6