Students’ Perceptions of Creativity Education: A Perspective from Hong Kong, China
Volume 6, Issue 6 Wai-Chung Ho
Published online: 23 December 2020
Education, knowledge, and creativity are progressively becoming driving forces behind new social, cultural, and educational structures. With particular reference to Hong Kong, the purpose of the present study was to examine the under-researched relationships between creativity, practices, and values in school learning as perceived by adolescent
students. Data from a sample of 3,519 Hong Kong Chinese school students, mainly aged between 11 and 15, from 16 schools were collected in 2019. Based on the data, this study explored the sources, values, and limits of fostering creativity in young students in school education. Educators must consider ways to cultivate creativity, nurture creative attitudes, and encourage students to develop their creativity across primary and secondary school levels.
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To Cite this article
Ho, W.-C. (2020). Students’ perceptions of creativity education: A perspective from Hong Kong, China. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 6(6), 244-257. doi:10.20469/ijhss.6.20003-6