Administrative and Instructional Issues in the Implementation of Voucher Program Among Selected Private Senior High Schools
Volume 6, Issue 5 John Mark R. Asio, Christopher DC. Francisco, Rosalinda C. Rodriguez
Published online: 25 October 2020
The primary aim of this research was to identify the issues encountered by school administrators and teachers in implementing the voucher program. We identified administrative issues regarding the release of vouchers or billing statements, providing resources, application and processing of documents, and career guidance orientation. Meanwhile, we also investigated instructional issues to teach like strategies and techniques, student preparation, learning resources, curriculum enhancement, and teachers’ preparation and readiness. The research method for this study was a qualitative phenomenological approach that focused on describing the lived experiences of people. This study involved six school administrators and six teachers that belonged to private senior high schools in a province in Central Luzon, Philippines, during the school year 2018-2019. The results showed that the issues associated with implementing voucher programs among school administrators are: (a) delays in application and processing of documents, (b) lack of parents’ support and students’ active participation in career guidance orientation, (c) delays in the voucher’s release, and (d) difficulties in hiring qualified teachers and the keeping of teachers. Meanwhile, the common problems associated with implementing voucher among teachers are: (a) lack of preparedness among teachers, (b) congested curriculum competencies and idealistic outcome expectations, (c) job mismatch, traditional teaching, non-congruency between the teaching strategies and content, (d) innovative technological advancements issues, and (e) students are not competent. They can learn significant insights from the research-based propositions drawn from the study.
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