The Use of Memory Strategies Among Adolescents in Saudi Arabian Middle Schools
Volume 5, Issue 3 Ibrahim Alyami, Sana Alsharif, Susan Chipchase, Karen Pfeffer
Published online: 21 June 2019
This study has been undertaken to investigate the memory strategies used by the students. Moreover, this study aims to analyze the relationship between memory strategies used by the students and their grades. Primary data is undertaken in this research that is gathered with the help of a survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire is filled with a total of 175 adolescent students. The data collected through the survey questionnaire is analyzed with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Regression analysis is used to analyze the impact of memory strategies on the student’s feeling of success. It is analyzed from the results of regression analysis that F (1.173) = 12.779, p = .001, R2= .069. The value of R2= .069, which means that memory strategies explain 6% variation in the English score of the students. It is identified about the research aim that the use of memory strategy and students grades are significantly correlated with each other. Further, it is also examined that the majority of the students use memory strategies in the form of narratives, self-test, rehearsals, rhymes, and mental practice. The study findings would help the students to analyze the significance of memory strategy for increasing their scores. Future research should be focused on conducting their study at a wider level to analyze the impact of memory strategies for the student’s primary schools and high schools.
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