Quality Living Conditions and the Boarding Preferences of UM College Students
Volume 5, Issue 2 Ana Helena R. Lovitos
Published online: 26 April 2019
Article Views: 41
This descriptive study explored and analyzed the quality living conditions and the boarding preferences of UM college students who were renting in temporary shelters in Davao City, Philippines at the time of the investigation. Through a random sampling method, 300 students from ten colleges participated in the survey using validated questionnaires. Informal interviews were also conducted to 20 randomly selected boarding house operators for the triangulation of results. This mixed methods research obtained the initial interrelated ideas in the survey and informal interviews by means of open coding and exploratory analysis. Aside from accessible means of transportation, the student-participants favored affordable rental fees, organized house rules, provision of basic amenities and proper waste management. And on top of all these basic services, they desired a friendly atmosphere while they live, study and / or work in the land of promise, the metropolitan Davao. In general, UM college boarders prefer practicality, safety and security in a supportive environment. It was discovered likewise that some managers were non-compliant of specific boarding house ordinances such as the provision of safe and secure boarding house boarding house/dormitories. In compliance with the basic ordinances on boarding hose operations, it is hereby recommended that owners be closely monitored and evaluated based on their planning and implementation of the rules.
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To Cite this article
Lovitos, A. H. R. (2019). Quality living conditions and the boarding preferences of UM college students. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 5(2), 54-62 doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.20469/ijhss.5.10002-2