Technology and Marketing Tourism and Hotels in Jordan
Volume 4, Issue 5 Mohammad Nayef Alsarayreh
Published online:12 October 2018
This study seeks to identify the availability of technological means in the touristic and hotel facilities and its role in the competitive advantage in the marketing of tourism and hotel products in Jordan from the perspective of workers in enterprises, and to investigate kinds of obstacles and difficulties facing this type of tourism, and what implications affecting the development of this type of tourism. This study belongs to the exploratory analytical studies and pursues collecting and analyzing data to gain access to the results. The study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to a number of workers in the touristic and hotel facilities where (80) questionnaires were distributed, of them (73) questionnaires were restored, and (8) were excluded, so (65) questionnaires were adopted. These questionnaires contain data of many workers in the touristic and hotel facilities who represent the research study population and sample. The availability of technological means helps to provide information on the services provided in the tourism and hotel facilities, which helps in the prices of competitive advantage. The availability of technological means helps in the easiness of access to the information relevant to the touristic and product, which helps in the competitive advantage. Future studies should work to figure out the best ways and most advanced used in tourism and hotel shopping to increase the competitive advantage between those in charge of this sector.
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To Cite this article
Alsarayreh, M. N. (2018). Technology and marketing tourism and hotels in Jordan. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 4(5), 213-220. doi: