A Study of Tourist Preference on Cultural Tourism: The Case of Chiayi in Taiwan
Volume 4, Issue 3 Hui-Chen Fang
Published online:14 June 2018
In recent years, with the advancement of income, the development of leisure travel has gradually moved away from rush traveling, but moves toward the deep experience of cultural tourism. Chiayi Township in Taiwan which owns precious culture and historical assets has a good condition for the development of cultural tourism. The aim of this study is to understand the demands and expectations of tourists for Chiayi cultural tourism. The subjects were tourists who are visiting the cultural tourism industry in Chiayi. 397 valid samples were collected. This study used SPSS to analyze the relationship among motivations, experience values, satisfaction and revisiting willing of tourists for the cultural tourism industry of Chiayi. The statistical methods include descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ANOVA and regression. The results of this study were briefly shown: 1. Demographic variables of visitors were showed a partially significant difference in motivations, experience values, satisfaction and revisiting willing. 2. The factor analysis of motivation shows that there are three factors including chasing local cultural and knowledge; leisure and relax, and as a passive tourist. 3. There are two factors extracted from experience values which are the sensory value of pleasing atmosphere and cultural, educational value. 4. Chasing local culture and knowledge of motivation has a significant positive influence on satisfaction and revisiting willing. The leisure and relax of motivation only has a significant positive influence on revisiting willing. 5. Both pleasant sensory value and cultural, educational value have significant positive influences on satisfaction and revisiting willing. However, the effect of pleasant sensory value is stronger than cultural, educational value. According to the results of this study, valuable implications were provided for researchers and practitioners.
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To Cite this article
Fang, H.-C. (2018). A study of tourist preference on cultural tourism: The case of Chiayi in Taiwan. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 4(3), 120-135. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.20469/ijhss.4.10002-3