Motivational Factors on Learning in a Constructivist Classroom: A Strategy on Learning from 21st Century Learners
Volume 4, Issue 2 Hazel Balucas Lijano
Published online:13 April 2018
The purpose of this study was to investigate the motivational factors on learning and teaching strategies employed by the teachers who were confirmed and preferred by the students as effective strategies in dealing with the 21st century learners. This research employed a descriptive research design using survey and naturalistic observation, and the instruments used to collect data were mainly survey questionnaires, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and interviews. A total of 158 students and five (5) SHS teachers, and a school principal were chosen to participate in this study using the purposive sampling method. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (quantitative data) and thematic analysis (qualitative data). The study revealed several salient features; firstly, the motivational factors on learning of SHS students are (1) subject learning value, (2) achievement goal, (3) active learning strategies, and (4) learning environment simulation that will help to positively improve their learning experience inside the constructivist – informed classroom. Secondly, the teaching strategies employed by teachers and preferred by SHS students are activities that help students (a) share or collaborate ideas, (b) simulated and experiential learning, (c) a strategy for speaking and self-confidence development, (d) classes with technology integration, (e) develop the students’ sense of responsibility on their own learning and (f) teachers’ capacity to teach. In conclusion, it is a necessity for teachers dealing with 21st century learners to identify the motivational factors on learning (NEEDS) and to apply the desired teaching strategies (WANTS) to the students.
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To Cite this article
Lijano, H. B. (2018). Motivational factors on learning in a constructivist classroom: A strategy on learning from 21st century learners. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 4(2), 85-95. doi: