The Aesthetic Dimension of Decision Making: A Case Study of a German Software Company
Volume 3, Issue 5 DANIELA MANGER
Published online:24 October 2017
Arts-based methods conceptualized as generating different kind of knowledge, which allows understand by feeling, enhance intuition and trigger inspiration. In this paper, an in depth study of a strategy process based drawings is presented, that initiated profound discussions, an open atmosphere and resulted in fresh insights and new perspectives. Based on the empirical data it is shown, that the paintings themselves became an important structural factor influencing the interaction system of the strategy meeting in a way that made these positive results appear. The findings show how knowing aesthetically gives access to a rich experience, and, therefore, complements cognitive knowledge.
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To Cite this article
Manager, D. (2017). The aesthetic dimension of decision making: A case study of a German software
company. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 3(5), 223-230.