The Speed of Technology Diffusion and its Role in SMEs’ Growth
Published online:24 October 2017
Diffusion of technology plays an important role in the development of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs’), but diffusion process needs time. Analyzing the speed of diffusion is important to the growth of SMEs’. Time length for the adoption of technology that diffused was varied. Some technologies need a long time to be adopted; the others only take a short time. If technology diffusion could be sped up, can it be adopted immediately? Study of technology diffusion and its role in the growth of SMEs’ was conducted among SMEs’ of processed food, and it showed that many factors affected the speed of technology diffusion and encouraged the development of SMEs’. A survey was carried out among processed food SMEs’ in Bogor. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also conducted to gain more information. The speed of diffusion was calculated with simple statistics using Likert scale. The study showed that factors such as capability (skilled users), technology availability and accessibility, and governmental support were the factors that determine the speed of technology diffusion, which also encouraged the growth of SMEs’.
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To Cite this article
Dyah, S., Apriliyadi, E. K., Saparita, R., & Abbas, A. (2017). The speed of technology diffusion and its role in SMEs’ growth. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 3(5), 204-214.