Design and Development of an Electronically Generated Table of Specifications (TOS)
Published online:17 August 2017
This study was conducted to design and develop a computer-based TOS that could fast track the preparation and construction of the TOS. The researchers conducted a documentary analysis in order to gather the needed data and interview to clarify information requirements. The study employed the descriptive developmental research. This is suitable whenever the output needs to be developed, validated, and tried out to determine if the proposed system is acceptable to the users. The development of the TOS underwent through the following four (4) stages: (1) Planning Stage, (2) Developmental Stage, (3) Evaluation Stage, and (4) Output Stage. Each stage had different process from others. The content validity and acceptability of the developed system were assessed by ten (10) chairpersons and faculty members respectively. After careful scrutiny of the evaluation results, the developed system got an average mean of 4.51 with a descriptive rating of Strongly Agree. As for the acceptability, it got an average mean of 4.07 which can be interpreted as Acceptable. Having found the level of acceptability of this system is high, the researchers strongly recommend that the system will be utilized by the faculty members of the campus. Further studies should also be conducted in line with this study.
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To Cite this article
Acosta, M. E., Patacsil, F. F., Ambat, C. L., & Tablatin, C. L. S. (2017). Design and development of an electronically generated Table of Specifications (TOS). International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 3(4), 171-183.