Empowering Family with SocialPsychology Problem Through Family Care Unit (FCU)
Published online:15 April 2017
Ministry of Social Policy c.q Director of the Family Empowerment and Social Institution is realizing that the social welfare services are centralized, integrated and optimize the synergy between PSKS (Potential and Source of Social Welfare). Expectations of social welfare are capable of providing social welfare services for the initiation and local forces who are concerned about the social welfare of the family in a container FCU. This study was conducted to determine the empowerment of families through FCU with descriptive qualitative approach, the location is determined purposively in the village of Scales, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara province, on the basis of that location is one of the places from 33 provinces to be tested. Primary data sources are informants from FCU board, about 30 people, a pioneer family of 10 people, 20 people of plasma family. Data were collected by structured interview, observation, and study documents. The data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively, through the institutional aspects, partnership, conduct of activities in the category of good, fairly good, less good and not good. The results showed that the views of the institutional aspects according to officials and family pioneers were 97.5 percent in both criteria, the activities carried out were 75 per cent in both categories, the partnership aspect of the majority of 21 respondents (52.5%) in the category was quite well, and in 75 percent of the activity results in either category, and all activities of FCU were in good enough category of 82.50 percent. Recommended, Kementeian Social Affairs cq Director of the Family Empowerment and Institutional Social need capacity building through technical guidance so that implementers of FCU can work well, although FCU has proven effective, but there are still shortcomings in terms of understanding the program, especially for families, pioneer family and plasma family, improving the infrastructure facilities and infrastructure through sharing funds from Ministry of Social Affairs, Social Services districts / cities, gradually improved communication from the Provincial Social Affairs to the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the FCU managers and pioneer families to the family of plasma to facilitate the handling of the problems encountered. Improved coordination with the activities of supervision, monitoring, and evaluation for the program as expected. FCU is expected to synergize with existing activities in rural districts / cities, and financial support in the implementation of the FCU.
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To Cite this article
Iryani, W. I., & Murtiwidayanti, S. Y. (2017). Empowering family with social-psychology problem through family care unit (FCU). International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 3(2), 53-63.