This study was conducted at 21 different locations in the Batticaloa lagoon of Sri Lanka to determine the variations of salinity, EC, water temperature, and pH at different depths of the lagoon during the month of May 2013 (early dry period). The locations were grouped into four, based on the distance from bar mouth and geographic locations. Vertical profiles of salinity were tested using Salinity Refractometer. Temperature, pH, and Electrical Conductivity (EC) were measured using a portable pH/EC/TDS meter. Results were statistically analyzed using the Minitab 14 software. Results revealed that pH varied from 7.87 to 8.89 and 7.98 and 8.79 at the surface and bottom layer of the lagoon, respectively. The result of pH indicated slightly alkaline in nature. Further, observations indicate that the surface layer of lagoon water had a higher temperature (mean 32 oC) than the bottom layer (mean 31oC) of the lagoon. Furthermore, a positive correlation (r=0.146, p=0.168) was found between lagoon depth and salinity.
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To Cite this article
S. Muthucumaran., S. Pathmarajah., M. I. M. Mowjood. 2015 “Vertical variation of salinity, electrical conductivity, temperature and PH of batticaloa lagoon,” International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 36-41. 2015.