Published online: 03 August 2020 Article Views: 25
This study is built upon empirical testing of an exceedingly important theme of Customer Experience Management (CEM). It prompts positive behavioural intentions of the shoppers visiting the banks with a fundamental component of customer satisfaction by using social exchange theory. Data (N = 330) was collected by utilizing a survey strategy through convenience sampling and cross-sectional research design. SPSS 20 and AMOS 22 were applied for the data analysis. To evaluate the hidden system of customer satisfaction in the relationship between CEM and Positive Word of Mouth (PWoM), a contemporary methodology (the process by Andrew Hayes) was exploited. The regression analysis results completely bolstered all the immediate connections of the examination through the outcomes somewhat upheld the mediating role of customer satisfaction with CEM and PWoM. In light of the investigation findings, it is recommended that CEM is a necessary part of the long-haul vision of the banking division to achieve a lasting competitive advantage. This investigation opens up a novel side in the writing of CEM and its association with other emotional and behavioural constructs. The findings of this study will enable managers to understand better the results of satisfied customers in response to the benefits provided by the banks to customers. This will ultimately generate loyal customers with high intentions to spread PWoM related to banking services. Therefore, it is highly recommended that banks concentrate on activities that can create long-term benefits for banks rather than generate short-term profitability benefits.
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To Cite this article
Mansoor, M., Awan, T. M., & Alobidyeen, B. (2020). Structure and measurement of customer experience management. International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies, 6(4), 171-182 doi: