Recently, there have been substantial changes in the way people consume, with the emergence of new collaborative business models flourishing globally. The success of these models has been attributed to numerous simultaneous societal changes. Financial crises have encouraged people to search for other means of consumption. Also, significant technological advances have led the Internet to become prevalent, thus making technologies a crucial aspect of life. This study sought to enhance understanding by deeply exploring this phenomenon. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted through 160 interviews of Uber drivers in Morocco. This study uses a qualitative research design to address the major research questions. For this study, the qualitative research was instrumental for creating industry-specific insights. The study established a lack of clear understanding among Uber drivers as providers about the meaning of collaborative consumption and sharing economy concepts. The study also established that three major motivators influenced them to take part in the sharing economy. The motivations identified in this study should lay the basis for the development of more sharing economy services for these populations, especially in developing states in the Middle East and North Africa that may increasingly need such services. Future research should also explore the outcomes associated with involvement in the sharing economy.
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