The main aim of this study is to highlight the role of the dashboard in the company’s management through its characteristics, such as status, content, presentation, periodicity, consistency, and quality of the dashboard. These characteristics play a great role in the improvement of decision-making in the marketing mix. According to a practical study on 103 financial companies in Algeria, the work concludes that the characteristics of the marketing dashboard have a significant influence in explaining the effectiveness of decision-making on the level of immediate marketing changes in these companies. Among the most important results is that Successful implementation of the marketing dashboard system depends on the effectiveness of the marketing information system in providing information in a timely and continuous manner that ensures updating the marketing indicators with new data and regularly monitoring the evolution of competitive environment variables. As a result, there is an integrative relationship between the marketing information system and the marketing dashboard, and it ensures that its users interact with the reality of the situation and can quickly understand what is going on. It is composed of a set of indicators, which measure quantitative objectives through financial and non-financial indicators and qualitative and even external data in line with officials’ needs to predict and adapt to future changes. This study will attempt to develop several performance indicators for each dashboard feature.
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To Cite this article
Asma, Y., Larbi, B. M., & Samiha, B. (2017). The role of the dashboard in improving marketing decisions in the Algerian economic firm. International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies, 3(6), 209-216.