Volume 5Volume 5 Issue 3pp. 64-72 (November 2019) Volume 5 Issue 2pp. 36-63 (July 2019) Volume 5 Issue 1pp. 1-35 (March 2019) Volume 4Volume 4 Issue 3pp. 76-115 (November 2018) Volume 4 Issue 2pp. 38-75 (July 2018) Volume 4 Issue 1pp. 1-37 (March 2018) Volume 3Volume 3 Issue 3pp. 55-92 (November 2017) Volume 3 Issue 2pp. 33-60 (July 2017) Volume 3 Issue 1pp. 1-25 (March 2017) Volume 2Volume 2 Issue 3pp. 59-93 (November 2016) Volume 2 Issue 2pp. 33-58 (July 2016) Volume 2 Issue 1pp. 1-32 (March 2016) Volume 1Volume 1 Issue 3pp. 51-78 (December 2015) Volume 1 Issue 2pp. 27-50 (September, 2015) Volume 1 Issue 1pp. 1-26 (June 2015) |
International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences (IJAPS)
International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences (IJAPS) is official journal sponsored by Academic Research and Solutions Sociedad (ARS), Barcelona Catalonia, Spain. IJAPS is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is committed to advancing the field of Applied and Physical Sciences. In comparison with Journals in Applied and Physical Sciences, IJAPS has distinct position as it highly encourages interdisciplinary studies. From all the fields of Applied and Physical Sciences original submissions are invited by IJAPS.
International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences (IJAPS) is official journal sponsored by Academic Research and Solutions Sociedad (ARS), Barcelona Catalonia, Spain.
International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences (IJAPS)
Subject Coverage
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering
- Architectural Science
- Astrophysics
- Automotive engineering
- Biochemical engineering
- Biological engineering
- Business informatics
- Integrated engineering
- Management of Technology
- Manufacturing engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechatronics engineering
- Chemical engineering
- Civil engineering
- Computer engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Engineering management
- Engineering Science
- Engineering science and mechanics
- Environmental engineering
- Forensics
- Mining engineering
- Nanotechnology engineering
- Software engineering
- Sound engineering
- Systems engineering
Department of Biotechnology,
Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura,
Gonawila (NWP), Sri Lanka
Associate Editor
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Editorial Office
Editorial Advisory Board
Department of Physics
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Dr.S. B. Singh
Dept.of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences
Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture and Technology, India.
Viktoriia Komarysta
Department of Botany and Plant Ecology
University of Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Animesh Sarkar
Department of Nuclear physics
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Iran.
Mohammad Luqman
Department of Basic Sciences
A’Sharqiyah University, Oman.
Editorial Board
Offlia D. Giron
Department of Chemistry
University of the Philippines Baguio, Philippines.
Pararajasingham Peratheepan
Department of Physics
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Maurice Owino Oduor
Department of Mathematics and Computer
University of Kabianga, Kenya.
Elahe Aminifar
Department of Mathematics
Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Iran.
Dr.S. B. Singh
Dept.of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences
Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture and Technology, India.
Viktoriia Komarysta
Department of Botany and Plant Ecology
University of Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Animesh Sarkar
Department of Nuclear physics
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Iran.
Nasser S. Al-Nazwani
Department of Natural Sciences
Oman Medical College, Oman.
Mohammad Luqman
Department of Basic Sciences
A’Sharqiyah University, Oman.
Josephine Espinoza Tondo
Faculty of Biological Science
Philippine Normal University, Philippines.
Salim Hassan
Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Editorial Policies
- Deal in given research fields with their expertise;
- Assess the submitted manuscripts and conduct independent reviews;
- Ensure adherence to the journal policy and scope and promote journal development;
- Provide exposure to the journal at conferences, seminars, workshops, and related public events;
- Invite new potential authors to join.
The Editorial Board undergoes a review every two years, which refreshes the entire structure by replacing the inactive members with more active ones.
Register with the journal’s publisher
To join the IJAPS Editorial board, please visit reviewer registration page. Enter your research specialisms and related details here for participation in the review process.
We also encourage the editorial candidates to apply. For application submission, e-mail us at editor.ijaps@kkgpublications.comand attach a file with your CV (containing the current place of work, occupation, education, the scope of your scientific interest, types of activity, list of publications, list of the journals employing you as their editor or reviewer, e-mail for contact and a link to personal page at your university).
Guidelines for Reviewers
IJAPS ensures that an effective peer review process is in place when authors opt to entrust IJAPS with their manuscripts. We make a decent attempt to build up and support peer-review integrity on our journal and a crucial piece of this implies guaranteeing that reviewers have the suitable assets to do their work as productively and adequately as could reasonably be expected.
Potential reviewers ought to give personal and professional information that is exact and a reasonable portrayal of their mastery, including irrefutable and precise contact data.
Following is the step-wise guide for reviewers while composing review reports:
1. Search the journal
Visit the journal home page to get an idea of the material our journal deals in, its scope, and style. This will enable you to choose whether the paper you're looking into is appropriate for the journal or not.
Consider the Instructions for Authors to check if the paper meets the submission criteria of the journal (for example length, scope, and presentation).
2. Write your review report
The three principle factors you ought to give guidance on are:
- The innovation, introduction, and significance of the manuscript's topic to the readership of the journal.
- The exactness of the methodology.
- Contribution to the body of knowledge and practice.
Here are some questions to consider when reading the manuscript:
- Is the submission unique?
- Is the paper fit according to the scope of the journal as recommended in the aims and objectives?
- Would the paper hold any importance with the international readership of the journal?
- Does the paper help to extend or further research in this branch of knowledge?
- Does it essentially expand (the author's) past work?
- Do you feel that the importance and potential effect of a paper are high or low?
- Has the paper been done properly? Does it have an abstract or summary of the work undertaken as well as a conclusion?
- Are the methodology and analysis given in the manuscript both precise and appropriately done?
- Are all relevant accompanying data, citations, or references delivered by the author?
- Does it need shortening and changed to another structure?
- Would you prescribe that the author reevaluate the paper for an alternate journal?
- Is the submission in Standard English to help the comprehension of the reader?
3. Provide detailed comments
- These ought to be appropriate for sending to the author. Utilize these remarks to make helpful recommendations, look for an explanation on any indistinct focuses, and request further elaboration.
- Make proposals on how the author can improve clearness, brevity, and the nature of presentation.
- Confirm whether you feel the subject of the paper is adequately fascinating to legitimize its length. In the event that you suggest shortening, show explicit zones where you believe it's required.
- It's not the reviewer’s job to edit the paper for English, yet it is useful in the event that you mark the errors in English where the technical meaning is hazy.
- A referee may differ with the auhtor's suppositions, however ought to enable them to stand, if their evidence backs it up.
- Remember that authors will invite positive input just as valuable analysis.
Being critical while staying sensitive to the author isn't in every case simple. Remarks ought to be painstakingly worded so the author comprehends what moves they have to make to improve their paper. Refrain from summed up or ambiguous explanations just like any negative remarks which aren't important or useful. Additionally, try to avoid any sexist comments or utilization of biased language.
4. Make a recommendation
When you've perused the paper and have evaluated its quality, you have to make a suggestion to the editor about publication. The particular decision types utilized by a journal will differ, yet the key choices are:
- Accept with routine editing. The paper is reasonable for publication in its present structure.
- Minor revision. The paper will be prepared for publication after light modifications. List the corrections you would prescribe the author makes.
- Major revision. The paper needs significant changes, for example, extended data analysis, augmenting of the literature review, or revamping segments of the content.
- Reject. The paper isn't reasonable for publication with this journal, or the amendments are unreasonably crucial for the submission to keep being considered in its present structure.
At the point when writers make modifications to their article, they're solicited to present a rundown from changes and any remarks for the reviewers. The reexamined version is generally sent back to the original reviewer if possible. The reviewer is then approached to affirm whether the corrections are satisfactory.
What are the ethical guidelines for peer reviewers?
All peer reviewers must pursue these ethical guidelines for IJAPS articles in review:
- Reviewers must give unprejudiced thought to every original manuscript submitted. They should pass judgment on each of its benefits, regardless of race, religion, nationality, sex, status, or institutional alliance of the author(s).
- Reviewers must proclaim any conflict of interest before consenting to review a manuscript. This incorporates any association with the author that may affect their review.
- Reviewers must keep the peer-review process classified. They should not share data or correspondence about a manuscript with anybody outside of the peer-review process.
- Reviewers ought to give a helpful, thorough, evidenced, and properly considerable peer-review report.
- Reviewers must abstain from making articulations in their report which may be understood as reprimanding any individual's reputation.
- Reviewers should try to present their report and proposal on schedule. They ought to illuminate the editor if this is not possible.
- Reviewers should call to the journal editor’s consideration any critical likeness between the paper under consideration and any published paper or submitted original copies of which they know.
We emphatically prescribe that our reviewers know about and stick to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
Duties of editors
We unequivocally suggest that Editors get to know and pursue COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
The editors of the journal are in charge of choosing which of the articles submitted to the journal will be published. The editor may consult with the individuals from the Editorial Board in settling on this choice.
Fair play
The editors assess manuscripts regardless of the idea of the authors or the host institution including race, sexual orientation, religious conviction, ethnic beginning, citizenship, or political way of thinking of the auhtors.
The editors, individuals from the Editorial Boards, and any editorial staff must not uncover any data about a submitted manuscript to anybody with the exception of the authors of the paper, reviewers, potential reviewers, and the publisher, for proper reasons.
Unpublished materials revealed in a submitted paper ought not to be utilized in the personal research of the editors or the individuals from the Editorial Board without the written consent of the author.
Conflict of interest
In the event of conflict of interest with the submitted manuscript, a editor must educate different editors (Editor in Chief or Associate Editor) and request the Editor in Chief to send in another editorial manager to assess the manuscript.
Once the submission materials have been prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online. Submit here
Or you can send your manuscript to the editor at editor.ijaps@kkgpublications.com.
International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences (IJAPS) is currently abstracted and indexed in the following databases:
- Crossref
- Dimensions
- EBSCOhost
- Applied Science and Technology Source Ultimate (EBSCO)
- EBSCO Discovery Services
- Google Scholar
- ROAD- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
- Mendeley
- Publons
- Academia
- RePEc
- WorldCat
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