The Level of Understanding and Appreciation of Islam Among Orang Asli New Muslims in Selangor State, Malaysia and its Relationship with Social Well-Being Volume 2, Issue 6 Published online: 13 December 2016
AbstractTo understand Islam and practice it in daily life are two different things. However, both are equally important in determining one’s quality of Islam. On the basis of this fact, this paper aimed to measure the level of understanding and appreciation of Islam among Orang Asli New Muslims (Indigenous People) in Selangor State of Malaysia and how it is related to social well-being. This paper, however, will only focus on the level of understanding and appreciation of Islam in aqeedah aspect. A Descriptive quantitative research was employed in gaining the actual finding regarding the understanding and practicing of Islam among Orang Asli New Muslims Mawdoodi (2006: p.396). The study found that, the level of understanding and appreciation of Islam among Orang Asli New Muslims in Selangor is high with overall mean for aqidah (creed) = 2.92. This aqeedah aspect is seen to be related to producing Orang Asli social well-being in Malaysia particularly in Selangor. Reference
To Cite this articleDon, A. G., Puteh, A. Nasir, B. M., Ashaari, M. F. & Kawangit, R. M. (2016). The level of understanding and appreciation of Islam among Orang Asli new muslims in Selangor State, Malaysia and its relationship with social well-being. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 2(6), 215-220 |