How E-Zakat Has Changed the Way Muslims Pay Their Zakat in Indonesia Volume 1, Issue 3 Published online: 17 October 2015
Nowadays everything is surrounded by information technology (IT) or better-known as the ‘Internet of Things (IoT).’ This increasing trend has impacted all parts of our lives including zakat collection. Zakat is supposed to promote the welfare of all people but it is not what happens in reality. Two obstacles that hamper Muslims to settle their zakat are; first, whether or not their zakat will be given to the right people (poor and needy) which gives rise to the issue of accountability and second, the easiness of paying zakat. This paper aims to reveal the viewpoint on E-Zakat implementation that has changed the way Muslims pay their zakat, that in this case is zakat al-fitr and also the impact that it has on modern society. We sincerely hope to be able to contribute our findings to parties involved with E-Zakat which are: banks, academicians, the giver, the recipient and Muslims in Indonesia. |