Digital Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Challenges Faced by Parents of Junior High Students in Chiayi, Taiwan
Volume 8, Issue 1 Li-Chuan Chu, Yi-Te Lee
Published online:24 July 2023
Article Views:20
Parents of students who switched to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic have had to face numerous challenges. This study examined the challenges associated with new learning environments and investigated the effects of distraction behavior, learning attitude, and self-directed learning on academic achievement. This study collected information from junior high school students by using a questionnaire and conducted statistical analysis on the data collected by using partial least squares. The data came from a random sample of 131 parents of junior high school students in the Chaiyi Taiwan. Analysis revealed that learning difficulties have a positive effect on academic achievement, indicating that in a digital learning environment, the presence of learning difficulties may motivate learners to more actively tackle challenges. Necessitating a balance in the level of supervision. Technical learning was found to have a positive effect on academic achievement, highlighting the promotive role of technology application on academic achievement. The switch to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic posed multiple challenges to parents. Balanced strategies for coping with these challenges must be developed to address problems associated with students’ distraction behavior, learning attitude, academic achievement, and self-directed learning. Addressing these challenges will enable parents to guide their children’s learning more effectively, enhancing students’ digital learning skills and academic achievement.
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