Volume 8, Issue 1, 2022

International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies
DOI: 10.20469/ijbas
ISSN: 2414-3081(Online)
ISSN: 2415-0541 (Print)
Abbreviated key title: Int. j. bus. adm. stud
Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Dr. Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Ummatic Personality Impact on Whistleblowing Intention
Impact of Shared Cognition on Team Effectiveness with Mediating Role of Intra-Team Communication: A Study on Organizational Teams
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Championing Behavior of IT Professionals: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment
Digitalization and its Impact on Employee’s Performance: A Case Study on Greater Tafila Municipality